Friday 10 October 2014

Father stabbed his daughter to death for using a mobile phone in honour killing

They said she was "distressed and embarrassed" by her father's behaviour during their time in Bournemouth, when he would regularly accompany her to college.
Faleh Ghazi Albasman
A Kuwaiti father who brought his daughter to the UK to learn English murdered her in an 'honour killing' when he found her using a mobile phone.

Faleh Ghazi Albasman, 59, stabbed 24-year-old Mashael in the neck 13 times in the flat that they shared in Bournemouth, before picking up another blade and wounding himself in the stomach.

After being taken to hospital, Albasman spoke Arabic to a surgeon, asking him what the penalty for honour killings were in Britain, before telling him: 'it's all about the honour'. 

Faleh Ghazi Albasman, claimed it was an "honour killing" but psychiatrists found he had paranoid psychosis.

The final straw came when he found her talking on a mobile phone, saying that her behaviour had become ‘inappropriate in my culture’.

Albasman confessed that he was 'boiling with anger' when he attacked his daughter, saying she had been 'disrespectful' to him and told him 'to go home', Winchester Crown Court heard.

He admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

He was sentenced to a hospital order at Winchester Crown Court UK and will be detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act until he is considered fit for release.

The court heard Albasman had come over to Bournemouth, Dorset, with Mashael in November 2013 to be her 'chaperone'.

She had started an English language course in the seaside town, just before she was found dead by paramedics on March 30 this year. 

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