Monday 17 November 2014

A man who 'killed his two-year-old daughter by forcing her under scalding hot shower' roaming free

A man who allegedly killed his two-year-old daughter when he threw her into a scalding hot shower to "discipline her" is roaming free after a restraining order expired.

Alexander Sztasek, allegedly told police he had put the child under the water as 'discipline' but did not take her to hospital for 24 hours despite her constant crying.

Alexander Sztasek, 26, is also able to see one of his other children despite his wife asking for the ban to be extended.

He told police that he did not realise the shower was scalding hot when he forced tragic Leonie underneath it and turned it on.

He also claimed not to have realised she had been burnt until blisters started appearing hours late.

The parents who live in the Austrian capital Vienna also admitted they had not immediately taken the youngster to hospital, and apparently left her crying almost non-stop for a day before finally deciding to take her for treatment.
The extent of the child's injuries prompted medics to raise the alarm and when later questioned by police, Sztasek allegedly said he had put Leonie in the shower to "discipline her", and admitted he had put her in a cold shower in the past, but had never wanted to harm her.

The father was questioned and released on police bail on the condition he did not return to the family home or have any contact with his wife and two other children, while the investigation continues.

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