Sunday 16 November 2014

'I watched Tory MP MURDER a boy during depraved Westminster VIP paedophile party'

Whistleblower: Nick has given detailed and lengthy evidence to detectives

A victim of the Westminster paedophile abuse scandal has claimed he saw a Conservative MP murder a young boy during a depraved sex party.

And the Sunday People can reveal that detectives are investigating THREE murders allegedly linked to a network of VIP perverts.

The horrifying account comes days after Scotland Yard confirmed they have launched a murder probe ­connected to allegations of sex abuse from the 1970s and 80s.

Today the Sunday People and Exaro investigations agency expose the full extent of shocking events the witness, known as Nick, has described to the Metropolitan Police paedophile unit.

He said he was in the same room in the 1980s when a 12-year-old boy was strangled by a Tory MP.

Nick said: “I watched while that happened. I am not sure how I got out of that. Whether I will ever know why I survived, I am not sure.”

Eighteen months later, he claims a third boy was killed by two unknown men in front of another MP.

Nick told of his terror as he and the strangling victim were driven to an orgy.

He said: “We looked at each other and saw the fear in each other’s eyes. We said nothing.

“I knew we were being taken somewhere to be sexually abused by powerful men.

“But I had no idea of the true horror of what was about to happen.”

Nick had been picked up at an agreed meeting point. He recalled: “The car was ­chauffeur-driven although I can’t ­remember the make.

“Cars were sent to take us to various locations to be abused. They were often luxury cars with a chauffeur.

“They would be dark in colour – Jaguars, Rolls-Royces, Daimlers or Range Rovers.”

He was driven to a location in ­central London. On the way the car stopped to pick up another lad.

Nick says the boy had brown hair and was aged around 12 but he never discovered his name.

In hours of video testimony, he ­described how he saw the Conservative MP – who was sitting in Parliament at the time – throttle the boy.

He said: “The MP was particularly nasty, even among the group of people who sexually abused me and others. I still find it difficult to talk about these incidents after all these years.”

A second witness has already ­corroborated some of the information related to the case, lending weight to Nick’s claims and strengthening his credibility in the eyes of the police.

Nick said his abusive father supplied him to a group of MPs and other VIPs who held abuse parties at Dolphin Square – an apartment complex in Pimlico, near Parliament – and at other locations in London.

He says the ­minister repeatedly raped him and other boys aged between ten and 14.

Source: Mirror Online

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