Tuesday 25 November 2014

Macklemore On Front Line Of Ferguson Protest After Jury Decision

Rapper Macklemore was one of thousands of people who protested in the streets on Monday night following the decision in Ferguson jury not to file charges against the cop who shot and killed Michael Brown.

In a video obtained by TMZ, the Seattle native was seen marching in his hometown's protest which eventually turned violent with his hands in the air, joining the chant, "Don't shoot! Hands up!"

Macklemore tried to blend in, but was spotted by a KING 5 photog. When asked about his reasons for being there, he put the spotlight on Brown.

“Mike Brown,” the rapper answered simply. “Solidarity. It’s about Mike Brown, though, it’s not about me, man.”

“It’s about Mike Brown,” he repeated. “It’s not about me.”

Unclear if he was still marching when protesters clashed with police.

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