Thursday 20 November 2014

Thai teenager rejects Kim Kardashian's adoption offer.

Kim took a shine to 13 year old Pink, but she'd rather stay in her orphanage

During the last season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, the whole gang took a family trip to Thailand, and as well as getting attacked by an elephant and posting Google Images on Instagram, Kim Kardashian also formed a 'special bond' with an orphan teenager, during a visit to a local children's home. Just your usual holiday, really.

After meeting 13 year old Pink, Kim spent the afternoon finger-painting and getting to know the teen, and after having a jolly marvellous time together, Kim later told hubby Kanye that she would "literally" like to adopt her.

Pink lives in Phang Nga, a poverty-striken region of Thailand which was hit hard by the 2004 tsunami, and she was sent to the orphanage when her mother became too poor to take care of her.

Speaking to the camera for the episode, Kim said at the time: "When you meet someone that you really connect to like this, you can't help but think like how you could change their life. And I think that looking into adoption would be amazing."

"I literally cannot stop thinking about her. I told Kanye, I was like, honestly, this girl is so sweet and so cute, like, I would honestly adopt her."
However, the idea was about as secure as a champagne glass balancing on an inflatable arse and things quickly died down, after momager Kris Jenner explained to Kim that her approach was "a little aggressive", and that it is in fact "very, very difficult" to adopt a Thai child. Funny that.

But speaking to the Daily Mail about her encounter with Kimmy K, Pink has now said that she decided to reject Kim's offer of adoption, giving the Kardashians a "polite but firm 'no'". Pink told the paper:

"Everyone wants to have a different or a better life, I suppose. But when I thought about it I realided it wouldn't be good for me, because I would have to leave so much behind. I wasn't ready for that. When I found out she wanted to adopt me, I was shaking. I was so excited. It would be such a change of life for me."
Pink currently travels a 100 miles round trip each day to attend school, waking up at 5am and returning at 6pm, to share a dorm room with mattresses on the floor with five other girls.

Rather than dreaming of a life in Hollywood, Pink plans to go to university to persue a career. "I want to help my country", she added. "I want people to come and learn about Thailand and understand more about my country. That is why I am thinking of being a tour guide."

By Lucy Wood

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