Monday 6 April 2015

Beyoncé releases a new single to celebrate seven years of marriage with Jay Z

Beyonce at the Tidal launch party
Beyoncé has blessed us all with a brand new single, in honour of seven years of being married to Jay Z. Sweet. 

It's all VERY romantic. The song's titled 'Die With You', and features all kinds of mushy lyrics, like "I wake up just to sleep with you" and "I open my eyes so I could see with you." Beyoncé posted a little snippet of the song, and the accompanying video, on her Instagram.

But what's really romantic about the whole thing is that the full video is only available on Jay Z's new venture, Tidal. Because true love means supporting your significant other's business-y stuff, too. It's not all about loved up lyrics and romantic gestures on your wedding anniversary - you've got to create exclusive content for your husband's site, obvs.

And it's totally working. Paying for a membership is sounding pretty good right about now, if only because it means we get to see more of Beyoncé looking all casual in a baseball cap.

By Ellen Scott

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