Monday 23 May 2016

Former NBA player Etan Thomas refused seat on train

What do you think of  this?

Former NBA player Etan Thomas was  denied an  empty seat  by a woman on the train on Friday.

He asked if he could sit next to her but she said the sit was taken.

 Thomas moved on and noticed a white man walk up and ask if he could sit  next to the same woman, and she moved her stuff from the seat and let him sit down.

The former Washington player didn’t take lightly to the gesture and confronted her.

“I ask ummmmm did you just not want ME to sit next to you? Were you scared? Not comfortable with a Black Man sitting next to you?”  

Thomas takes a photo of the woman looking down at her electronics while the man next to her awkwardly looks at the camera.

The woman then called the train conductor to reprimand Thomas for taking her photo. Sadly for her, the conductor was a fan.

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