Thursday 2 June 2016

A paedophile who took pictures of himself abusing a baby and a toddler has been set free after a judge decided his sentence is too harsh.

John Long, 20, took pictures of himself abusing two young boys - one in a pram - which police found on his computer, along with 5,000 banned images
Police raided John Long's home after a tip off and found more than 5,000 banned images and videos on his computer, including some of child porn and bestiality.

Among them were photographs of him molesting two very young boys as they slept, and in one of them he was abusing a baby in a pram.

Long, 20, from Maghull, Liverpool, later told police: 'My head is messed up.'

Judge Brian Cummings, QC, originally sentenced the paedophile to two years and eight months in a young offenders institution at Liverpool Crown Court.

But a day later, he decided to reduce the sentence under a law known as the 'Slip Rule', which gives courts the power to alter a sentence or order made within 56 days.

He instead handed Long a two-year detention and training order, suspended for two years, with two years' supervision.

The judge also ordered Long to attend a sex offenders programme designed to tackle his disturbing behaviour.

An indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order and requirement to sign on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely remain in place.

Long admitted two counts of sexual assault, two counts of making and one count of possessing indecent images of children, in relation to the two boys.

He also pleaded guilty to seven counts of making and five counts of possessing indecent images, plus possession of cannabis.

The court heard he took six photos of himself sexually assaulting the victims.

Sarah Holt, prosecuting, said his vile stash contained 324 Category A pictures - the most serious category - plus 504 Category B and 4,234 Category C images.

She said there were a further 48 Category A, 35 Category B and seven Category C videos on the seven devices.

Long had 3,074 banned images of children including cartoons, plus 37 pictures and two videos depicting extreme porn and bestiality.

Ms Holt said that, when interviewed by police: 'He said he didn't know why he did it and thinks his head is messed up.'

John Rowan, defending, said Long was remorseful, ashamed and utterly disgusted in himself, but also relieved that he had been caught and could now get professional help.

Mr Rowan said his client had an 'unpleasant' early childhood, suffered from severe malnutrition at the age of four, and was taken away from his mum.

After he was fostered, Long was removed from mainstream education because of behavioural difficulties and diagnosed with ADHD, for which he is on medication.

According to the Crown Prosecution Service website, the usual reason for altering a sentence under the rule is that new information has emerged, sentencing guidelines were ignored, or the sentence takes effect in an 'unexpected manner'.

The Judicial Press Office has been contacted and asked why the judge decided to alter his sentence.

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