Wednesday 20 July 2016

How I managed gestational diabetes.

When I was  pregnant  I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

 My heart was filled with fear and worry. I was ensured that following the right  instructions will lead  to a  healthy delivery.

I was giving a blood glucose meter to check my sugar regularly before and after each meals.

I took it very seriously because I wanted to have a healthy baby.

I had big carvings for sweets in my pregnancy and  I had to cut it of immediately.

Unhealthy eating during gestational diabetes may lead to Macrosomia - Macrosomia means a big baby. Babies weighing more than 4kg (8lb 8oz) at birth are called macrosomic.

Perinatal death - This means death around the time of birth and includes stillbirth (when a baby is dead at birth) and neonatal death (when a young baby dies).

Shoulder dystocia - Condition where the baby’s shoulder is stuck in your pelvis once the head has been born. This can squash the umbilical cord, so the team need to use additional interventions to deliver the baby quickly and safely.

If you are diagnosed with Gestational diabetes not to worry this easy steps will work out just fine

Get a book called Carbs & Cals it is recommended by diabetes specialists . It really worked for me

Make sure you check your sugar regularly at list 4 times a day

Be more active. Going for a walk, laundry, making the bed really helps with sugar or even a good shower. this usually helps when you have eaten over your carbs  limit

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables eg strawberries, black berries, green apples, a hand full of grapes, cucumber,salad,green peppers,red peppers. this fruits are great for gestational diabetes .

Eat more protein even  for snacks eg scrambled eggs with tomatoes Moi Moi worked out fine for me as a snack it is an African food made with beans. very high in protein. I will introduce you to the recipe.

Drink loads  of water or drinks with low sugar. Ribena worked for me

Hope this easy Tips works out for you

Good luck

Jennifer Francies

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