Thursday 21 July 2016

Muslim Woman shares her story of how she forged an unlikely friendship with a woman who refused to sit next to her on a flight - after she saw her writing 'Allah' in a text

A Muslim passenger has revealed how she struck up an unlikely friendship with a woman who was too afraid to sit next to her on a flight - after the stranger saw her write a text with the word 'Allah' in it.

Jiva Akbor, who was flying from Glasgow to Malaga, took to Facebook in a post that's now
gone viral to reveal how the other passenger - called Beverley - was worried when she saw her texting in Arabic.

In her status, which has has more than 7,500 likes and the same amount of shares, Jiva revealed how Beverley had jumped up and immediately left her seat - leaving Jiva concerned.

However, in a turn of events an initial clash between the two women lead to understanding.

Jiva had been texting her friends in her Islamic group, Quran Revolution, sending them her condolences after their car was broke into.

She sent her friends the message: 'HasbiAllahu la ilaaha illaahu alayhi tawakaltu may Allah make the day easy for you all!'

However, the message startled the fellow passenger so much that she went to get two air hostesses.
'I looked at her face and she was in sheer panic, clearly flustered and didn't get into the seat immediately,' Jiva wrote.

'Then I heard one of the air hostesses say, 'You can take your seat ma'am,' to her. But she stood there, with a look of fright on her face. I was confused. For a split second I thought she had some health issue or something and was about to have a panic attack.

'At that moment she looked at me and said, "I saw you write a text message and you wrote Allah on it".'

Jiva explained that she felt as though her heart had stopped at that moment, and she didn't know what to say - however Beverley was getting teary.

The young woman explained that 'Allah' means God in Arabic.

Jiva wrote: 'I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

'This lady was actually scared to sit next to me on this flight and had gone to tell the staff that she saw me write the word "Allah" on a text message and wanted to now change seats.'

The woman, who was with her son, was told he could leave the flight, but chose to stay. Then a conversation was struck up.

Jiva said: 'Before too long I could see remorse in her tone, I think she was shocked at her own reaction and the realisation of what she had thought of me was setting in. In her own words she said, "It's so scary what the media can make us think" and "I just panicked".'

The woman explained her fear to Jiva, who was touched by the understanding the two developed.

In her Facebook post, Jiva wrote: ''Today I had one of the most interesting and most memorable
flights of my life. I made a friend called Beverley who made a mistake and acknowledged it.

'I met a lady who is deep down inside a wonderful, wonderful human and showed me that the fear-mongering purposely and strategically carried out in this world by the powers-that-be today are very, very real and can make an ordinary person have the most shocking of reactions.

'But if we're blessed enough ALLAH can easily turn them into the most amazing of life's moments.
'I know today was special for us both and many lessons learnt on both sides. We hugged, exchanged numbers and will definitely keep in touch.

'I know not all similar situations are as peachy and 'happily ever after' for many, many Muslims in the world right now. But I have all the love in the world for Beverley and pray we can only basque in the beautiful moments shared today.'

Hundreds, including many Muslims, have commented on the Facebook post sharing their support for Jiva and Beverly.

Rosmizawati Mohamed Salleh said: 'This is simply beautiful'.

Zahra Adan Kula said: 'U really showed her what islam is all about [sic]'
Loki Wati said: 'Allahu Akbar!! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful Jiva. With Allah's power and

blessings, may He protect us all in any situation. Aameen.'

Jennine NeNe Butler said: 'I read your story and it is truly inspirational. Thank you for sharing it with us xxx'.

Fahmida Uddin said: 'Every minute reading this was worth it for the outcome was amazing.'

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